Season Two of Love on The Spectrum Features a Black Lesbian Pastry Chef
PHOTO: Netflix
Who else is watching season two of Love on the Spectrum on Netflix? This season features a young woman by the name of Journey who has quickly become a fan favorite on the show.
Journey is a 19 year old Black, Lesbian identified pasty chef who has a love for all things pink, pets, and Hello Kitty. Journey enters the chat on episode four where we see her on a first date that lacks chemistry, but gives viewers an inside look at what a sweet natured person Journey is.
Journey and Talia on their first date PHOTO: Netflix
Her second interaction on the show was with a young woman named Talia who is also Black and Queer. Talias interaction with Journey was much more organic and a second date between them took place on the beach where they had a picnic, and took a long walk on the beachside after having an in depth discussion about what they’re both looking in a relationship, and in life in general.
Since the show has ended, Journey has followed her dream of becoming a pastry chef and has been documenting the experience on her Instagram account. While she may still be “painfully single”, (her words on the topic) she is extremely happy to be following her career in the culinary world.
“I enrolled in pastry school in April and it’s been very challenging as well as exciting. Life is happy right now!”
We can’t wait to see the amazing pastries Journey creates on her culinary Journey (no pun intended) and we hope she finds the love she deserves when the time is right!