Actress Who Plays Lesbian Anchor On Apple+ Series Criticizes Black Lesbians in Support of Palestine

Just when we think the narrative around 2023 couldn’t get anymore ridiculous. No one stays on people’s minds more than Black women and this time, Black lesbians specifically are being scrutinized for being Anti Zionist.

As many people know, the Black community has historically held a long standing stance in support of Palestine. Leaders like Angela Davis and Cornel West have both been extremely vocal about the connection between Black Americans and Palestinians. It should come as no surprise that Black queers are also in support of the liberation of another group of marginalized people.

During a podcast interview a Zionist actress by the name of Julianna Margulies (who plays a Lesbian News Anchor on the series The Morning Show) made it a point to share her thoughts on Black lesbians and Black Americans who are not in favor of Zionism. The statement was made after the actress reported seeing a leaflet advertising the screening of Black Lesbian films at Columbia University which read: "Zionists aren't invited".

"As someone who plays a lesbian... I am more offended by [the leaflet] as a lesbian than I am as a Jew, to be honest with you," she said.

"Because I wanna say to them... you don't exist. Like, you're even lower than the Jews. A, you're black, and B, you're gay, and you're turning your back against the people who support you? Because Jews, they rally around everybody."

The irony in her statement is that Black queers do support jews. We just don’t support blood thirsty Zionist who believe in the bombing of children and indigenous people. Not sure how she missed that note.

We’re also not a fan of the fact that Israelis sterilized Ethiopian Jewish women without their consent to avoid having too many Black Jews existing in the occupied state of Palestine. So there’s also that.

She also mentioned that Jews died for Black Americans to have Civil Rights and that Black people who dislike Zionist Jews have been brainwashed.

"The entire black community isn't standing with us, to me, says either they just don't know, or they've been brainwashed to hate Jews. But when you've been marginalised so much as a community, the way I feel we have, isn't that when you step up?"

So anyway girl, we didn’t watch your show before and we damn sure won’t be watching it now. Liberation for one marginalized group is liberation for all.


Aryka Randall

Aryka Randall is a queer writer, photographer and filmmaker from San Diego by way of Louisiana/Texas. Her work has been featured in GO Magazine, Out Smart Magazine, Huffington Post, Vogue, and a number of popular LGBTQ publications.

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